Monday, July 19, 2004

slaves to the remorseless grind

Let's see..what has happened? I've moved...for a while. I got a cool plant that has a bright red stalk that looks like a feather. My feet hurt again. My cat Keeblers is pretty keen on me moving back over here, because now he has somebody that will let him get away with more stuff. (He still can't get on the counters though.)

The comment links were making my browser crash and my blog look all funny, so i removed them for now. Hopefully they will be back soon.

quote of the day:
Today I was telling someone at work to click the abort button on their download or something and someone at work asked if I was pro-life or pro-choice for some reason. I told him I was pro-coathanger and that killed the whole mood.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

ok go

okay. bear with me for a minute. Follow me, mk? This thought has has to make its way toward some kind of medium: We're not supposed to understand why or how we love something, we're just supposed to feel that feeling. The mystery of my own personal connection to things is such an integral part of what makes me feel the things i feel. I think that when i get too over analytical about things i lose sight of what really makes them special.
That unknown, that feeling of dumbfoundedness when something or someone has truly put its mark on me..that is what is the best. I can't really focus right now...just letter arranged to form words arranged to form a frame for my personal descent (or is it ascent?) into......somewhere. somewhere sublime.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I could spend $3.63

I got my haircut two days ago. Nobody noticed. No, I haven't gone emo on you, I just got a little taken off the top(the bottom actually). Just enough taken off so my hair doesn't look like a mullet when I wake up. It's a bit easier to deal with now.

On the same topic, but not enough so to continue the above paragraph, someone said something funny to me the other in the park. I was walking with a friend of mine and a group of stoner-looking people were sitting on the ground and talking. One of them of was saying "....yeah, that's cool.." and finished the sentence with "just like that guy's hair." and pointed at me. So I said "thanks, everyone tells me to cut it." I think thier reply was something like 'fuck the man' or something but i really couldn't understand their stoner babble. They went and threw a frisbee. We went over and sat down nearby.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I've got to get arrested to keep you interested

So for about 2 1/2 years, CA has kept a document file on the desktop of whatever computer has been in the practice space. This document was christened 'crap.doc' and is/was filled with tons of phrases and jokes and etc. from all the years of CA practice. I believe the last incarnation, "crap.doc is on a goddamn lunch break" got to be 40 pages long.
some highlights:

bud light: the bud light of beers
i went outside to have a cigarette.. see, i found one.
we comb bearing figs
im gonna get up early to do some eating
from there until the end of december was really 'ocward' at work

These are just some of the more obtuse phrases. There's a few stories and even the lyrics to the theme song for The Fresh Prince in the newest version. It appears to be almost stream-of-consciouness in some sections where the four of us would just enter whatever we were thinking while doing something tedious. I suppose it could be a cool study in how we work creatively while taxing each other, but i get distracted by stuff like: "dude...noone's around..wanna smoke this mic?"