Thursday, July 08, 2004

I've got to get arrested to keep you interested

So for about 2 1/2 years, CA has kept a document file on the desktop of whatever computer has been in the practice space. This document was christened 'crap.doc' and is/was filled with tons of phrases and jokes and etc. from all the years of CA practice. I believe the last incarnation, "crap.doc is on a goddamn lunch break" got to be 40 pages long.
some highlights:

bud light: the bud light of beers
i went outside to have a cigarette.. see, i found one.
we comb bearing figs
im gonna get up early to do some eating
from there until the end of december was really 'ocward' at work

These are just some of the more obtuse phrases. There's a few stories and even the lyrics to the theme song for The Fresh Prince in the newest version. It appears to be almost stream-of-consciouness in some sections where the four of us would just enter whatever we were thinking while doing something tedious. I suppose it could be a cool study in how we work creatively while taxing each other, but i get distracted by stuff like: "dude...noone's around..wanna smoke this mic?"


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