Monday, June 28, 2004

My name is Stubin McNarfgar

Sometimes I think about taking up an activity, much like a hobby. Then when I think about it, i realize that I already do things that can be considered hobbies, yet I feel like calling them that would lower them to the level of say, stamp collecting or model airplane building. Don't get me wrong, those things can be neat in a i-don't-tell-the-opposite-sex-about-it way..but I was going to do a hobby, i would do something cool... like brewing. Now, I like beer. I've been able to develop a palate for some different stuff in my limited age and experience and an appreiciate for what exactly goes into making this (usually) tannish concoction. If I had the money and the time, (or if I didn't play guitar, etc.) I would probably try my hand at it. Just from what i've read online in a few different FAQs and newbie guides, it doesn't seem very easy, but it not being easy also can mean that it's a challenge! Sorry, thats that pesky optimism/rose colored glasses thing again.

I think the reason i would like that activity is because it 1. Its unique 2. I like beer 3. it would take some time to get good at it, (this is what we could call "personal enrichment"- LOL, thank you high school guidance counselor) 4. slight possibility of business potential.

I think an activity which requires some patience and skill would be the best 'hobby' for me. Something like wood-working (which I would of course turn into guitar-making) or photography (with the whole darkroom business) or writing.

Today I have some major stuff to take care of. Transitions being made and such. Ta-ta.


Blogger Quartny said...

And could I be your counterpart and make wine?
this could be a fun hobby for old people.
(why are you never online??)

12:11 PM  

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