Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the old plantation has been abandoned

So Jon and I are going to Indy for a couple of days next week. After talking to the folks, we don't have enough time to make it all the way to Atlanta, and since they apparently know the former city fairly well, we're going to meet them there. I still have to work the rest of the weekend, which is okay i suppose. Tommorow we're playing at the Dorff. So when the chain of people comes up to us and asks if we're playing, we'll get to say yes, as well as get free drink. Speaking of which, I have a favorite beer there now, the vanilla porter. Good stuff!

I'm once again pursuing somebody, and, amazingly, my efforts may be working. Next comes the phase where we see how crazy each other are, and if it's at an acceptable level. Hehe.

Now its time to get something to eat cause my stomach starting to tell me to. My fingers need a break. I also need new guitar strings. Right now it would be nice to smoke a joint, I havent done that in a while.

BTW, i'm listening to this great Minus 5 record. Edit: now its Spoon


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