Thursday, March 09, 2006

we need to go see monster trucks someday

Some news website reported something like "NASA to Make Huge Announcent About Life In Our Solar System" with absoluetly no details whatsoever, while in reality the announcment was really about water on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. Way to over-sensationalize science!

Sure, possible discovery of water is significant, but I wouldn't exactly report it as "OMG ALIENS!" It would be funny to see a news report like this though:

"Apparently our mars probe hit what appears to be an office-type structure.. We have intercepted apparent news broadcasts from Mars calling Earth "part of the axis of evil." and referencing "Bringing freedom and democracy to the people of Mars."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, actually, water can't form as close as we are to the Sun. It had to form beyond the asteroid belt. Scientists actually don't know where all the water came from on earth. It didn't form here. It's too hot. The theory is that we were bombarded with icy asteroids in the early days and got water. That's a lot of asteroids...
So, water being as far out as Saturn isn't unusual, but it is one of the signs for life as we know it, so of course they are going to get all sensational about it.
There's your fact for the day:)
I'll email you later. even though you're gay.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Randall J. said...

I once again bow to your superior knowledge on yet another subject. Thanks:) And...he was a Renaissance man! He had a illegitimate son with a crew member, too..though I will admit I have a Kirk button on my denim jacket now. Does that improve my standing? el-oh-el..

9:56 PM  

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