Monday, February 27, 2006

settle my score on the salsa floor

(I promise I'll email tomorrow! you know who you are)

Tonight we went out a little bit more organized for urban archeology. Our haul included probably 25 to 30 dollars in free food. It's all sorted and organized in piles on my floor, and its quite a haul. What a shame that this just gets thrown out while people everywhere don't have enough to eat. It's almost worse that some random people can just go down the block and score all of this....I almost feel like it shouldn't be ours. But oh well, to the 'victor' go the spoils. We've decided we're giving away a lot of it too. I don't feel at all bad about it either, or feel the stigma associated with this kind of activity. I look at it like.. we're just exploiting the wasteful society we live in. It's a re-distributive thing. Not that I think the world can be a commie-paradise from a couple of people getting into the right dumpsters and distribution places (that aren't guarded), but at least it's something. Now I just need to own a hybrid car and not be so lazy about my recycling, haha..

Well, the other factor involved with this is the fear of getting hassled by the 5-0, which has already resulted in a long story from earlier. It actually makes diving kind of exciting, that is, not the quasi-legality of it, but just the fear of getting 'caught', even though the concequences are really, in reality, nil. hehe. I'll admit its an adolescent kind of feeling, and thats kinda nice to have to stave off over-seriousness in my life. Not that I have a problem with staving off over-seriousness! Well here I am over-explaining myself to readers that probably know me well enough to know. Time to shut up. :)


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