Thursday, February 23, 2006

clap your hands say yeah

I had a fucked up dream last night in which I was fighting somebody for a long time. They were smaller than me and kept punching me in the face and head to no real effect. The guy was harrasing me for no good reason I could tell, and wouldn't leave me alone. Hmm..I wonder what this symbolizes. I remember music from the dream too, but it was indistinct.

Well, I've been away from my place quite a bit in the past couple of days, for various reasons. Not quite yet done with some recordings yet but I'm working on them tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Cross-post by me from another thing I write in:

I'm good at entertaining myself. I chose not to say "I think" because who else is going to judge such an internal and arbitrary thing like self-amusement? The other night after work, I went to Meijer. To me, the act of going and buying food and other whathaveyou is not drudgery if I don't want it to be. I'd like to think, to the passerby, I look slightly off, walking in a not-so-straight line, picking up weird/amusing merchandise, whistling, and swinging my basket around. (And yes, I knocked over a jar of spagetti sauce three weeks ago. It broke, of course. )

Being called easily amused is not something I would find insulting. Unfortunately, I'm too busy counting the stains on the ceiling at the DMV or sliding around in the parking lot to feel sorry for the people who have to consistently put effort into something that should be as simple as getting a huge kick out of laughing at a label that says "DARTH VADAR" in Target, for example. (My example.)

This isn't a black and white viewpoint of mine. My ego says that I have to state that I like things that are complex and well thought out. At least the ego isn't so big that I would assume everyone who might read this thinks I'm such a superlatively refined guy. Oh well.


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