Now for something a little more conversational.
It's an act of pouring, an act of resignation of being empty and yet filled with something greater as high or higher than the top of the chimneys of smoke that some ancient people strained to reach with song and dance and ritual.
Faith is something I have had in a few things. Mostly people. Sometimes included within "people" is myself, but to be completely self-reliant is like climbing straight up an oiled cable. Sure it's fill in the rest.
But I won't ever deny how much power faith has, or deny how much it must take to completely devote oneself to something that requires a modicum of it. Sure, that's easy for me to say, and the cynical reader could chalk up me as being dismissive, but here's an example. I don't have to drive on the Nurburgring to know that it would be difficult to race full speed on, but if I was on the tarmac, only then would I know the full scope of what I was in for.