Wednesday, April 05, 2006

phone starts ringing and she's almost dry

I have had some interesting conversations with customers at the store about the film Brokeback Mountain. (I know it been out for a while now, but it just came out on DVD today.)There's a interesting double standard regarding homosexuality, especially in guys. If a film were to explore a same-sex relationship between two female characters, I don't think I would hear nearly the same kind of commentary regarding it. I don't know exactly why that is, I'm not sure. Is it because the typical (well, let's say more closed-minded, and idea that i don't share at all) male idea of the female role in any relationship, sexual or non, is ideally submissive..and a homosexual relationship between two men lacks the qualities that some men use to validate thier 'manliness' or some bullshit? Or is it because they immdiately visualize and think of any sexual acts (which they may regard as 'disgusting') between two men when any hint of a homosexual relationship is mentioned in any form?

Some people won't ever look past the moniker of 'that gay cowboy movie' and see the love story that is there for what it is, and that's a shame. Oh well, they can choose what they want to think just like I can.

Also, I think it's a symptom of a closed mind to assume one's personality is soley based on who they enjoy fucking. Although sometimes I seriously think how cool it would be to be a gay woman. Hehe.


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