Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I just woke up on the floor today..

So I'm "watching" the Pre-packaged Musical Enjoyment Product Sealed for Your Protection Part of a Complete Breakfast Nu-Perfect America show on Fox, where the performers aren't supposed to be concerned with music, for they are only required to move thier arms and hands in a such a way that can only be seen everyday on Maury Povich. The safest rock band on the planet, 3 Doors Down, is now playing..and the singer looks like he's in his 'booze and pills' phase, soon to be followed by the cocaine phase. The audience looks like they were hand-selected for appearance and ability to 'shake it like they jus doan cayer". Also, the only thing keeping me from shooting myself in the face is the constant projectile vomiting.

My solution: I turned the volume down on the TV, opened up Winamp, and now i'm enjoying some Jellyfish tracks. I feel better.


Blogger Quartny said...

You and I seem to be having the same problem with music lately. Getting that nauseated feeling...
Fortunately, I was able to commandeer the radio this morning, and am now listening to Morning Edition on NPR. Classical music starts in an hour....ahhh, let the healing begin. (read my blog from yesterday, you will understand)
In other news, Bush's stupid ban got struck down by a federal judge, they are trying the american citizen that they refused counsel and held for 2 years, and John Kerry is still running for president. (damn)
Hope you are feeling better today. 2 hours and 45 min left....only 2 hours and 45 min....
ily hon

6:15 AM  

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