Thursday, January 19, 2006

delusions of mediocrity

Feeling sluggish this afternoon. The coffee maker's broken or lost or something, and the only thing else I have to drink is this thick green stuff with lots of vegetable-ness. Sure, it's probably a hell of a lot better for me than coffee, but it doesn't shock me into alertness like a cup of decent coffee would. As long as my fingers and my brain work right now.
Oh, living alone. I like it about 7/8ths of the time. argh.

I think i'll run for a local political office. Sometime. Depending on where I live in the next year or two. Yeah, I want to do that, and I want to drive a car at 140 miles an hour. And go to Europe. Ok, i'll start small. First, I am going to check the mail.


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